Time (I)

Namibian ElephantPhrases like “time has passed us by”; ‘we do no know where the time went”, “the day went quickly” ; “the hour is going slowly”, “just in time” are constant reminders that although we cont time as one of the resources available to us, in the real sense, it is not a resource we can use, apportion, transfer.  It is in fact a limitless flow that was there before we arrived, just like the air we breathe and advances regardless of our action or inactions.

If this is so, then the term ‘time management’ is a misnomer and our preoccupation with it in the work place, home, school needs rethinking.  If achieving success is most often determined by the direction or focus of efforts, it is important that we do actually re-align our understanding and relationship with time.  Do we manage time or do we manage our selves within the time we have?

Namibian Elephant Lazy TrunkSemantics?  Let us say I have four weeks to complete a design task, if I managed time, I would apportion the time to suit my speed and style of working and my rest time.  I would even consider stopping the time during my idle periods.  The reality though is that as I am receiving my brief for the task, time continues to roll, as I catch my breath to understand the task and its requirements, reconsider its impact on my priorities,  plan my activities, my 4 weeks is constantly being depleted.  No wonder, I am more likely to be stressed out and wondering where the time went.

Namibian Elephant Crossing LegsIf however, I am managing myself within the four weeks, in knowledge that the time is not a resource I can control, I am more likely to take responsibility for realizing that my listening or reading the brief, prioritizing are part of my unique approach to the task.  I would therefore be making choices about how much thinking, clarification, discussion, delegation I engage in.  I would also remain aware of all the other matters in my life which need my attention.

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