A clear way that the uniquely human spirit shows itself is in the creation of a vision of the future and its realisation. Most of our major achievements exist first in our minds as a picture or desire, a vision. These visions can be realised without concerted conscious effort but through making them explicit, then continuing to take actions that arise and take advantage of opportunities that present. Some people make these visions of the future concrete with the additional step of recording them in written or pictorial form. I used a collage for mine.
Whether recorded or not, when the vision is clear, and in alignment with our core personal values, magic happens! We become energised, decisions flow, focus improves and opportunities tend to open up, enabling the vision to be realised. If it is in line with your core personal values, your vision is realisable.
So, create a personal vision, a vision of the future you want. Where will you start? Do you find it easier to capture a feeling than a picture? Big, exciting and bold! Go on, do it and share your insights with us.