The Who Are You Podcast #10 – Procrastination

The "Who Are You" Podcast
The Who Are You Podcast #10 - Procrastination

The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity. – Leonard Ravenhill.
Procrastination is an opportunity’s assassin. – Victor Kiam

When does “sensible consideration before action”, “waiting for the right moment”, or even “busy doing something urgent” become Procrastination – the art of not getting on with what we ought to? What is your style? Don’t be fooled – our minds can come up with great justifications that feel good and sound better, to maintain our inner peace. However, as Christopher Parker points out, “Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun, until you get the bill.”
Has it become a habit which no longer requires your permission to protect you? What is it protecting you from? Is it really working for you or would you like to tackle it? If you do, here’s the clue: once you spot it, you have a choice: To continue or get on with the task at hand.

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